What Are The Causes?

Swelling On Face  – The swelling in your face can be a simple one-time manifestation or a symptom of a more serious underlying problem. It is, therefore, essential to determine the cause of this swelling to know how to react.

Here are the most common causes that can lead to a puffy face  :

  • Excessive alcohol consumption;
  • A dental abscess
  • Poor hydration;
  • The consumption of foods that are too rich in salt leads to water retention;
  • A hormonal change (during the menstrual period or pregnancy, for example);
  • Kidney or blood circulation problems;
  • Thyroid dysfunction;
  • Allergic rhinitis or sinusitis;
  • A skin or respiratory allergy;
  • A wrong position during sleep, etc.

Know that, in general, if the swelling of the face is punctual and temporary (on waking in the morning, for example), there is often no reason to worry. On the other hand, if the symptoms persist, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

What Treatment Should Be Preferred?

What Treatment Should Be Preferred_

To determine the potential cause of the swelling of the face, the doctor will carry out an interrogation, including questions on the appearance of the swelling, the degree of pain felt, the history of the patient, the food, drinks, and drugs absorbed… Then, depending on the results of the interrogation and possible clinical examinations, the doctor will propose a treatment aimed at relieving the pain and attenuating the swelling until it disappears. This can range from administering corticosteroids (if angioedema) to the simple recommendation of rest.


There are several causes behind that swollen face in the morning. Some are simple to manage, while others require medical attention. First, check out some tips to fix the problem. Because of the time spent at home and the change in routine, However, it is expected that we sometimes wake up with a swollen face even after a good night’s sleep. And there can be several causes. During sleep, the lymphatic system slows down. Since it is responsible for fluid absorption from the cells, there is a predisposition to swelling, not to mention the influence of foods, drinks, drugs, hormones, and even genetic causes. However, there are some more severe pathologies, such as unregulated thyroid, in which case it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What Can Dental Procedures Cause The Face To Swell?

It is not unusual for facial swelling to appear after a dental procedure. This may, for example, be the case on occasion:

  • From the extraction of a wisdom tooth
  • From a discectomy
  • Treatment of an oral cyst
  • From mucogingival surgery
  • The placement of a dental implant, in particular with bone augmentation
  • Treatment of infection as part of a root treatment
  • More rarely, during a simple treatment of caries, when gingival tissues had to be remodeled and temporarily irritate the cheek
  • After the installation of a dental device (rings), when there is irritation at the level of the internal face of the cheeks
  • In the case of removable prostheses, when there is irritation of the mucous membrane by the prosthesis

Whatever the intervention, your dentist must inform you of the risks of swelling. If the latter is considered “normal” and remains punctual (the swelling usually begins after about twenty hours and sometimes lasts several days), then there is no need to worry. However, if the swelling persists, do not hesitate to seek advice from your dentist.

Does A Bichectomy Deflate The Face?

A discectomy is a surgical procedure that partially extracts the balls of Bichat, these small masses of fat located under your cheekbones. However, this operation redraws your face by further hollowing your cheeks and raising your cheekbones. Thanks to this procedure, you can effectively reduce the size of your face, which will then appear thinner and more harmonious.

However, note that your face may swell slightly after the procedure due to the micro-muscle tears necessary to access the Bichat balls. However, the edema resorbs quickly since the face regains its final shape after 2 weeks. Therefore, many patients believe that the postoperative consequences of a discectomy are even less than those related to the extraction of a wisdom tooth. In addition, the procedure being minor (it lasts between 30 to 45 minutes and is performed under simple local anesthesia), the results of a discectomy are visible very quickly. However, it is considered that they can appear after only 15 days. To limit swelling and promote recovery, you can place ice packs or cold in the area as often as possible during the first 48 hours following the operation.


when the face swells and appears puffy as a whole or in a single area. The swelling is often most noticeable in the cheeks, lips, and eyes. If the face swells like this, there is an influx of blood or water and inflammation. Sometimes the swelling also affects the neck. When it happens suddenly, it is necessary to consult immediately. The bloated and swollen appearance of the face can subside after a few minutes or hours, like remaining for several days or weeks, depending on its origin.

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