Staying ahead of the latest professional hair color trends is crucial for any stylist. Two techniques that have gained significant popularity in recent years are the money piece and the Scandi hairline. As a professional hair colorist, understanding these methods and knowing when to use them enhances your skillset to satisfy even the most discerning clients. Let’s explore both techniques to determine which look best suits your clients’ needs and preferences.

The Rise of Face-Framing Techniques

Face-framing color techniques are popular for enhancing facial features and adding dimension to hair. The money piece and Scandi hairline are two methods that focus on lightening the hair around the face, but they differ in terms of application and final result.

Understanding the Money Piece

A money piece is a bold, eye-catching technique that creates a striking contrast between face-framing sections and the rest of the hair. This method requires hair lightener to achieve a dramatic, lighter effect around the face. The result is a noticeable pop of brightness that draws attention to the client’s features and adds dimension to their overall look.

To create a money piece, section off the hair framing the face and apply foils with lightener or high-lift color. The process requires precision and skill to ensure an even, seamless blend with the rest of the hair. Depending on the client’s preferences and existing hair color, the striking contrast created by this technique can range from subtle to dramatic.

Exploring the Scandi Hairline

In contrast to a bold money piece, the Scandi hairline is a more subtle, natural-looking approach to face-framing color. Inspired by the sun-kissed locks often seen in Scandinavian countries, this technique focuses on lightening only the baby hairs and finest strands along the hairline. The result is a soft, ethereal glow that enhances the client’s features without creating a stark contrast.

To achieve a Scandi hairline, use a freehand painting technique to apply hair color developer mixed with lightener directly to the finest hairs along the hairline. A Scandi hairline is particularly well-suited for clients who want a low-maintenance, subtle enhancement to their look.

Comparing the Techniques

While a money piece and a Scandi hairline both aim to brighten the face and add dimension to the hair, they differ significantly in application, maintenance and final effect. A money piece creates a bold, noticeable contrast that can dramatically change a client’s appearance, while the Scandi hairline offers a more subtle, sun-kissed effect to enhance natural beauty.

Money pieces typically require frequent touch-ups to maintain their striking appearance, especially as the hair grows. A Scandi hairline, on the other hand, tends to be lower maintenance, with a more forgiving grow-out process due to its subtle nature.

Choosing the Right Technique for Your Client

Choosing the Right Technique for Your Client

When deciding between a money piece and a Scandi hairline for your client, consider these factors:

  • Natural Hair Color and Texture: The client’s base color and hair texture influence which technique will work best. For example, a money piece might be more striking on darker hair, while a Scandi hairline could be ideal for those with naturally lighter locks.
  • Desired Level of Boldness: Consider your client’s comfort level with noticeable color changes. Some may prefer the dramatic effect of a money piece, while others might lean toward the subtle enhancement of a Scandi hairline.
  • Maintenance Commitment:Discuss your client’s willingness and ability to maintain their new look. Those with busy lifestyles may prefer the low-maintenance nature of a Scandi hairline.
  • Face Shape and Features: Stylists can customize both techniques to flatter different face shapes and features. A strategically placed money piece can highlight cheekbones or soften angular features, while a Scandi hairline can create a soft halo effect around the face.
  • Lifestyle and Profession: Consider your client’s work environment and personal style. A bold money piece might be perfect for a creative professional, while a subtle Scandi hairline may be more suitable for conservative workplaces.

How to Do a Money Piece

To create a stunning money piece, start with a thorough consultation to determine the desired level of contrast and placement. Section off the face-framing pieces, typically one to two inches wide, and apply foils with a carefully mixed lightener. The key to a successful money piece lies in the precise application and proper processing time to achieve the desired level of lift.

After processing, tone the lightened sections to achieve a shade that complements your client’s skin tone and overall hair color. Finish with a nourishing treatment to ensure the lightened hair remains healthy and vibrant.

Mastering the Scandi Hairline

Achieving a perfect Scandi hairline requires a gentle touch and attention to detail. Begin by identifying the finest baby hairs along the hairline. Mix a gentle lightener with an appropriate developer, considering the client’s natural hair color and desired level of lift.

Using a small brush, carefully paint the mixture onto the selected strands, focusing on creating a natural, sun-kissed effect. The key to a successful Scandi hairline is subtle application. Less is more with this technique.

After processing, tone to achieve the desired shade. The result should be a soft, natural-looking brightness that enhances the client’s features without appearing overly processed.

Maintenance and Aftercare

Educating your clients on proper maintenance is crucial for both techniques. For money piece clients, recommend touch-ups every six to eight weeks to maintain the striking contrast. Suggest purple shampoos and conditioners to keep brassiness at bay between appointments.

Scandi hairline clients typically require less frequent maintenance, with touch-ups only needed every eight to 12 weeks. To preserve the subtle effect and prevent premature fading, recommend gentle, color-safe hair care products.

For both techniques, stress the importance of heat protection when styling and regular deep conditioning treatments to keep lightened hair healthy and vibrant.



Money pieces and Scandi hairlines offer unique ways to enhance your clients’ looks and boost their confidence. By understanding the nuances of each method and considering your clients’ individual needs and preferences, you can recommend a perfect face-framing color technique for each person who sits in your chair.

As trends evolve, staying informed and honing your skills in these techniques will set you apart as a stylist. Whether your client opts for the bold statement of a money piece or the subtle elegance of a Scandi hairline, your expertise ensures they’ll leave your salon feeling beautiful and satisfied.

The key to success with these techniques lies in technical skill and your ability to tailor the look to each client’s features, lifestyle and personality. By mastering both the money piece and Scandi hairline, you can create gorgeous, personalized looks that keep your clients coming back for more.