
La Fitness Ballard – Playing with a ball, our little ones will learn basic concepts in their life; distance, force, and speed. For the ball to go where they want it, it will be vital to understand these three concepts. They will have to analyze the distance to the object or place, calculate the force necessary to arrive, and see how the more pressure, the more speed is reached. They will also begin to play with gravity, for example, throwing the ball down slopes.

Characteristics Of La Fitness Ballard

The first use of the ‘Swiss Ball’ or ‘Pezzi Ball’ was in 1963, designed and used by physiotherapists for neurological development in newborns and infants. The balls were later used to treat adults with orthopedic problems. Pizza balls were ultimately used for athlete training and alternative therapy exercises with their proven success. The instability of the ball’s surface makes it ideal for engaging more muscles without increasing the overall load.

The Fireballs measure 35 to 80cm in diameter and are soft, non-toxic PVC material. The air pressure in the ball can be adjusted utilizing a valve, which allows us to inflate or deflate the Fitball to our liking. Depending on our height, we must choose between the different sizes of Fitball, as a reference indicates that a 65cm Fitball would be displayed for people between 162cm and 177cm.

As well as the variety of colors that it usually has, the number of uses that it offers is also very wide. As well as all the names by which it is known. The Swiss ball, the pilates ball, the fitball, or the birth ball, to mention just a few, is one of the complete tools to get in shape or for physiotherapy work.

Benefits Of Playing With The Ball

Benefits Of Playing With The Ball

Balance Improvement

Both when throwing it with force with the hands and when trying to shoot with the foot. When they are smaller, we will be able to appreciate how this element works since they wobble with some actions and will even fall (usually on their ass) when throwing the ball or shooting.

Improves Coordination

The work of marking a goal with the ball and trying to reach it utilizing a throw or a shot with the foot helps improve coordination significantly. But, first, kids must figure out where to hit the ball, how hard or how hard to throw it, and when to release it.

Improves Your Strength

Every time our little ones throw a ball, either with their hands or feet, they use many muscles in their body. To maintain balance, muscles of the legs, arms, back, and neck come into play… They all go into action when playing with a ball, and they all get stronger little by little. Then, running after the ball is another good exercise we value.

Stability Ball Exercises For Beginners

Many people who energy to the gym use training devices to improve their exercise routines. For example, jump ropes, medicine balls, and dumbbells are tools that can help you maximize your exercises.

But how about that big, round, bouncing ball that looks like belongs in a kid’s playroom? Known as a stability ball, this is another helpful tool you can use in the gym in many different ways. Stability ball exercises challenge your balance and force your body to engage your core muscles – making it a great addition to any routine! Are you feeling adventurous? Try a couple of stability ball exercises for a change of pace the next time you hit the gym.

How To Choose Your Stability Ball?

If you want to try exercises with a stability ball but aren’t sure how to select the right one for you, start with your height. When you sit on the ball, your knees should form a right angle while your thighs are parallel to the ground. A properly sized stability ball should allow you to sit at a desk as comfortably as a regular office chair.

Squats With The Ball Overhead

You can’t go wrong with squats. First, hold the ball at chest level with your feet slightly wider than your hips to perform this particular move. Next, lower your body into a wide squat and touch the ball to the floor. Finally, to complete one rep, raise the ball overhead. This exercise works the chest, arms, shoulders, and legs.


If you’re looking to work your abdominal muscles, abdominal exercises are an excellent way to start. To start, sit up straight on the ball with your hands near your ears and kick your feet until the ball rests below your mid-back.

Keep your knees bent at a right angle, raise your body at a 45-degree angle (or as far as you can), and exhale as you rise. Now return to the starting position to complete one rep.

Knee Bends

For more challenging exercises, try knee bends. First, he assumes a plank position with his hands flat on the floor, knees on top of the ball. He then bends his knees to his chest, pulling the ball until his shins meet over the top of the ball. He exhales during the movement and returns to the starting position to complete one rep.


To use the stability ball as support to stretch after intense exercise, try leaning back with your back on the ball to push the front of your body. As always, consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. You can effectively work your back with one of our favorite stability ball exercises. To complete this exercise, lie down with your stomach on the ball and keep your hands on the floor. Then rotate forward until your hips are on the ball and the front of your body is in a plank position.

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