
Western Wake Wellness  – Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not only the lack of disease or infirmity, according to the definition will  presenting  by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its constitution approve in 1948  (Some authors of this definition considering it subjective by equating Health with well -being and not taking into account will be  altering  health states that may be compatible with a form of well-being on the one hand, and the other. They consider it a static and not dynamic view of the Health of an individual forgetting that an individual can have different states of Health)

This concept is long to Health is a state of the physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the lack of disease or infirmity. In Health, as in illness, there are different degrees of affectation, and it should not be treats as a dichotomous variable. Thus, it would be reformulate as follows. health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being, with the ability to function. And not just the absence of conditions or diseases. It can also be defining  as the level of function.


The meaning of Health has progress over time. According to the biomedical perspective, the first definitions of Health focus on the issue of the body’s ability to function. Health will be considering a state of normal functioning that could be altering  from time to time by disease. An example of this definition of Health is: “a state characterizing  by anatomical, physiological, and psychological integrity. The skill to perform personally value family, occupational, and community roles.

Western Wake Wellness – The ability to cope with physical, biological, psychological, and social stress.” two then, in 1948, in a sea change from earlier definitions. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests a definition that aiming higher linking Health with well -being, in terms of “physical, mental and social well-being. And not just the lack of disease and infirmity. Although this definition was greeting  by some as innovative. It was criticizing for being vague, overly broad. And not considering measurable. For a long time, it was cast aside as an impractical ideal, and most discussions of Health kept to the practicality of the biomedical model


This work aims to evaluate subjective well-being through its cognitive (general and domain satisfaction) and affective (happiness) components and to analyze its relationship with sociodemographic variables. 927 people, workers, and students between 17 and 77 years old were evaluates through three instruments.

The results show that, in general, people are satisfy with their lives, being the family the primary source of happiness. Western Wake Wellness  was found that  will marry people are happier and more confident than single people, and young people have a lower level of happiness and satisfaction than older people. No differences were observing  between men and women in the general and physical health self-assessments. However, women presents a more negative evaluation than men regarding their mental Health. Neither men nor women would stop working outside the home if they could. Finally, a direct and significant relationship was found between happiness, self-assess Health, and life satisfaction.

Full And Comprehensive Health


Some propose the denomination of “full and integral health,”. Which covers all aspects of the human being, including the environmental and the spiritual (intellectual and religious), as well as its interdependence with the rest of the living beings that settle the planet.

They maintain that the union of our body, our soul (psyche), and our spirit makes us “alive” and that we live in a “human” way, that is, that we are in the world and that we aspire to be free.

In this way, we find ourselves traveling a new path bases on relatively recent concepts, but already consolidating over time, which can be encompass under the idea that “health is a commitment of the entire society as a whole.” It displaces the classic and traditional “doctor-patient” binomial due to a more social approach involving many actors in a more open, dynamic, and global scenario.

In this sense, an expansion of the WHO definition of Health has propose. “Health is a condition of broad physical, mental, social, environmental and spiritual comfort and not only the absence of disease or illness.”


Just as illness went from being considering  a state to thinking about it as a process, the exact change occurred in the definitions of Health. Once again, the WHO played a leading role in fostering the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. This brought a new conception of Health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resilience, that is, as “a resource for living.” Within the setting of health raise, Health has been considered not as an intellectual state-run, but as a worth to an end, as a source that enables people to lead individual, social, and economically productive lives. Health is a basis for daily life, not the neutral of life. It is a positive concept that emphasizes social and personal resources, as well as bodily abilities.